Map & Status



How many ratings have been submitted over time?

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How many ratings have been submitted over time?

The diagram shows how many ratings have been submitted in total over certain periods. The results are broken down by the possible answers to the question "Do you feel safe at your location right now?”. Safe stands for Yes and Unsafe for No. You can investigate, for example, whether in the last 365 days participants feel predominantly safe or unsafe.

At what time of day were ratings submitted?

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At what time of day were ratings submitted?

The chart shows how many ratings have been submitted per time of the day. You can examine, for example, whether ratings were submitted preferentially in the morning around 6:00 am, at noon around 12:00 am or in the evening around 20:00 pm.

In which countries were ratings submitted?

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In which countries were ratings submitted?

The map shows all countries that received ratings (marked in blue). You can zoom in further and move the mouse pointer over a country to see the exact number of ratings. The darker the blue the more ratings were submitted for that country.

Which countries got most of the ratings?

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Which countries got most of the ratings?

The diagram shows the top 15 countries which got most of the ratings. The countries are sorted by the number of ratings in descending order. Move the mouse pointer over a bar to see the exact number of ratings per country.

At what time of day were ratings submitted?

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At what time of day were ratings submitted?

The chart shows how many ratings have been submitted per time of the day. You can examine, for example, whether ratings were submitted preferentially in the morning around 6:00 am, at noon around 12:00 am or in the evening around 20:00 pm.

Where are many ratings submitted?

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Where are many ratings submitted?

This heatmap shows where many or few ratings have been submitted in the city. The heatmap visualizes the location-based density of ratings.